Here you can download the PHP script of the popular guestbook "myPHP Guestbook" for your homepage for free.
This package, provided for download, converts the SQL database connection to MySQLi and updates the guestbook script to the latest PHP versions. The package is provided without advertising.
At the same time, a whole range of new functions have been added or extensively revised, such as:
- A completely renewed and highly effective spam filter without captcha or annoying security checks has been implemented, which automatically and reliably scans entries for numerous different indicators of spam and reliably prevents critical bot entries.
- Optional functions for photo upload, quick and easy quoting of selected guestbook entries with one click and a star rating function as well as a search function have been added to the program.
- Multilanguage options: Language selection for the guestbook is easily modified in the Admin Control Panel and, by request, may also be individually selected by visitors to the site:
- Responsive design: Automatic size adjustment of the guestbook to the display device for optimal presentation on desktop PCs, tablets and smartphones.
- All input fields, with the exception of the name and the guest's contribution, can be shown or hidden individually with one click each. The same applies to the BBCode buttons, emojis, the search function and the "star rating". If you want, you can also display your own banner and a custom greeting and/or introduction text with just a few clicks.
- The guestbook can also be used as a blog, travel diary or similar, in which only the admin can publish articles without public access.
- ... and much more.
The download includes all necessary files for a complete new or first-time installation including installer, as well as for an update of already existing installations of the "myPHP Guestbook" versions 3.x.
In addition, a supplementary package has been made available for download:
Under the link "myPHP Guestbook 'include'-additions" some adapted files including two demo pages were compiled, with which it should also be possible for less experienced PHP users to integrate the guestbook via PHP include on request (not suitable for CM systems; basic knowledge of PHP, HTML and CSS is necessary).
- Download the latest myPHP Guestbook version 4.10.9:
myPHP Guestbook V. 4.10.9 [Typ: zip - 1297 KB] [14.083]
- Download additional files and demos to insert myPHP Guestbook V. 4.10.9 into a website with PHP 'include'
myPHP Guestbook 'include'-additions [Typ: zip - 126 KB] [25.732]
- Stay informed about the latest program updates and new features via e-mail. (NO advertising. ONLY updates are provided using this feature.)
- Subscribe to the Script Newsletter
Minimum Requirements for operating myPHP Guestbook 4.10.9:
- Apache Server
- MySQL 5.x or 8.0 (MySQL STRICT MODE?)
- PHP 7.4 or higher (also tested up to PHP 8.4)
- Activated MySQLi support
Additional requirements to allow use of the photo upload function (optional):
- file_uploads = On
- GD Support
Not a prerequisite for using the "myPHP Guestbook", but recommended for security reasons when activating the photo upload function:
- The use of own ".htaccess" files permitted by the provider
Detailed installation and usage instructions can be found in the ReadMe.pdf included with the download. For the inescapable exclusions of any liability please refer to the notes at the end of this page and in the Legal notice, as well as the "license.txt" included in the download package or here: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE.
Suggestions for future changes or additions and criticism are welcome, as well as hints on any bugs or questions about the program. Please post in the Guestbook or use the Contact form.
'myPHP Guestbook v. 2.0.5' Copyright © 2003 - 2006 Claudio Pose
'myPHP Guestbook v. 2.0.5' was an open source project of
'myPHP Guestbook v. 3.2.1' Copyright © 2011 - 2014 Christian Thomas,
'myPHP Guestbook v. 4.10.9' Copyright © 2014 - 2025 Wolfgang Leverberg,
'myPHP Guestbook' is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
'myPHP Guestbook' is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.